Assets Bureau

The Asset Bureau

Universitas Islam Riau

A Brief History of Assets Bureau

During the headship of UIR led by Prof. Dr. H. Syafrinaldi, S.H. M.C.L. in 2017, was formed Badan Pengembangan dan Pemeliharaan Aset (BPPA) which is tasked and authorized to manage, develop and coordinate the existence of all movable and immovable assets owned by UIR so that can be used properly, meaningfully and efficiently. At the first time, the Agency/department was led by Dr. Thamrin S, S.H., M.Hum with the Structure of Agency Head, Secretary, Head of Administration and Staff Based on Surat Keputusan Rektor UIR Nomor : 326/UIR/KPTS/2017.

Main Duties of Badan Pengembangan dan Pemeliharaan Aset (BPPA) are:

  1. Make a work program for Asset management
  2. Manage asset data collection
  3. Bookkeeping and recording the Asset list book
  4. Arrange and fix asset utilization cooperation after gaining written approval from the Rector.
  5. Coordinating with related units in Asset Management
  6. Make and submit a report on the development of UIR assets to the Rector
  7. Manage and develop assets to be used properly, meaningfully and appropriately.
  8. Storing and saving original documents of asset ownership
  9. Conduct physical, administrative and juridical observations of land assets owned by the University.

Considering that the asset management function of Universitas Islam Riau is quite big and large, in 2020 Badan Pengembangan dan Pemeliharaan Aset (BPPA) changed to the Asset Bureau which is still led by Prof. Dr. Thamrin S, S.H., M.Hum with the structure of the Head of the Department, Head of Development Section, Head of Development Section, Head of General Sub-Department, and Staff based on Surat keputusan Rektor UIR number : 015/UIR/PR/2020.

The main duties of the Asset Bureau are:

  1. Organizing the use of assets for the benefit of the implementation of tasks and functions;
  2. Securing and maintaining assets that are under its control.
  3. Propose the use, utilization and removal of assets to the Rector through the agency in charge of asset affairs.
  4. Supervise and control the use of assets under its control.

Then over time the Assets Bureau of Universitas Islam Riau was developed from 1 (one) Head to 2 (two) Head sub, that is the Head sub of Maintenance and Development.

The UIR Assets Bureau is tasked with increasing commitment to the management of UIR’s assets both in the framework of planning, guidance, supervision, control, administration, as well as the transfer and utilization of UIR Assets.

Praise and thanks be to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. It is because of His mercy and grace that the Asset Development and Maintenance Agency (BPPA) can be established based on UIR Rector Decree Number: 326/UIR/KPTS/2017.

Asset Development and Maintenance Agency (BPPA) Based on UIR Rector Decree Number: 326/UIR/KPTS/2017 which finally changed to the Asset Bureau Based on UIR Rector Decree Number: 015/UIR/PR/2020. which aims to realize orderly administration in order to prevent misuse or misappropriation of assets of Riau Islamic University, UIR Asset Management includes: Planning needs and budgeting, procurement, use, utilization, security and maintenance, valuation, deletion, administration and guidance, supervision and control. 

The assets of Riau Islamic University consist of: Land, buildings, inventory, equipment and machinery, books and library media, lecture inventory, laboratory inventory, vehicle inventory and others.  Inventory is carried out annually for all asset objects to assess the increase and decrease of Riau Islamic University Assets.

Pekanbaru, 21 July 2022

Assets Bureau of Universitas Islam Riau,

Prof. Dr. Thamrin S, S.H., M.Hum



Orderly Asset Management that is Effective and Efficient, Accurate and Accountable based on an orderly Management Information System for the realisation of UIR’s vision to become a World Class Islamic University based on Faith and Piety.


  • Support and realise UIR’s Vision and Mission;
  • Improve the quality of UIR asset management;
  • Improve the security and maintenance of UIR assets;
  • Improve the integration of UIR asset management;
  • Increase UIR’s income from rental utilisation of UIR assets.